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Empowering Mammas to be
their 'Best Selves'


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About Us

MeForMamma is a community for Mammas (and not their kids). 
We curate virtual & in person events for mammas, offer a dedicated community for working mammas to connect, share resources to help mammas do it all and we provide a storefront for mamma-entrepreneurs to reach their target market.

What We Offer

MeForMamma focuses on: 
Events, Resources, Community & Storefront

Mamma-first Events

Virtual & In-Person opportunities for mammas to rediscover their hobbies and grow as an individual.

Mamma-first Resources

Tools that help mammas manage the day-to-day juggle of work-family-personal life.

Mamma-first Community

A community where mammas can connect with other mammas without the distractions of their tiny humans.

Mamma-first Storefront

A storefront for Mamma-Entrepreneurs to showcase and promote their products & services and reach their target market.

Meet Our Founder

Jaime Mistry  / Operations Specialist / Mamma to 3 Year Old Mila 

Why MeForMamma

This is simple, as a mamma to 3 year old Mila, I know how important it is to be the best mamma to your child while recognising that you need to take care of yourself. I am surrounded by amazing mamma's who struggle with this balancing act everyday and who are looking for a community, resources and space for themselves. I have the right combinations of experience, tools and awareness to support mammas on this journey. So here I am with MeForMamma, a community that empowers mamma's so they can be the best versions of themselves!

Who I Am?

I am a dual-national Canadian-Brit that is currently living in Sydney, Australia. I started my career in Finance, before moving into Events and now I am an Operations Business Partner at Canva. I am a mamma to 3 year old Mila and wife to Priyesh. I love to travel, cook and have recently started running again. I love everything self help (podcasts, books, discussions) and I am a deep believer in the power of manifestation and how it can change your life. 

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